18/11 to 22/11

It always seems impossible until it is done.’– Nelson Mandela

Dear Parents,

We are all looking forward to our maiden, TRINS Broadway- Early Years’ on the 30th of November.-Hope you have all reserved your passes before they run out.

The past week and the next one will be focussed on the run-thrus and practice as we gear up for the final event.

Please do check the PPT sent by me last week, for the finer details. Please do not hesitate to check with us if you have any doubts or queries. The main points for all to remember are:-

  1. Children to reach school by 8:00 am on the 28th/29th and 30th of November
  2. Buses will ply on all 3 days, pick up will 1 hour earlier than usual time. Please do let us know if your child will not use the bus on any of the days. Drop for the 12:30 children will be at 1:15 and for the evening children as usual at 4:00.There will be a pick up on the 30th but no drop.
  3. On the 30th, please do not pick up your child before the end of the complete event, they will be handed over to you after the full show.
  4. Details of their food, costume, spare clothes etc are all in my PPT.

One Important Announcement – As you know we are happy to celebrate your child’s birthday at the centre and share the joy with their peers. We however do request that the cake you need must be bought from our own TRINS bakery- This will ensure a standard quality that we offer to all the children. We require an advance notice of at least a week. You may speak to us to find out more details.


Menu for 25th November to 29th November

LUNCH Kallappam Potato curry Dosa Tomato chutney Sambhar Chappatti Egg Curry Idly Chutney Sambhar Thali Meals
  DESSERT Gulab jamun Payasum Kesari Chocolate custard Payasum
  EVENING SNACKS Muffins Cut Fruits Banana Cake Vada Veg Sandwich
  LUNCH Idiappam Veg stew Veg Pulav Veg Kurma Dosa Kadal curry Chappatti Potato Curry Idly Sambhar Chutney
DESSERT Shahi Tukda Cut fruits Kadala payasum Shahi Tukda Payasum
EVENING SNACKS Fruits Cheese Sandwich Bread Pakoda Fruits Vegetable Sandwich


Bhavnita Bhatia & Veena Viju